Volume 2


Chapter 11
12/26/98 to 4/2/99 This chapter coves the examination of SHGb02+14a in a field day setting, several bug work off tasks, and the development of a OLE server SETI Net Clock server and several clients .
Chapter 12 2005-01-31 to 2005-03-18 - More work on the software and release of the OLE Clock Server, Spectrum Analyzer and theSML Generator.  Addition of counter weights to the antenna, Azimuth limit switch installation, a new line amplifier and the presentation of the schematic of the LNA and filter system.  Also the repair (again) of a jammed rotor.
Chapter 13 2005-03-19 to 2005-04-26  - The start of the Remote SETI Client/Server development.  In it the first prototype is released (2005-and Dave Ames was the first to use it.  Then I went through a *long* process of trade off's to decide on the architecture to be used in the finished project and yet another rotor failure.
Chapter 14 2005 -04-27 to  2005-07-12 - Build a prototype streaming audio client and server, tested a radio control client, broke and fixed that antenna rotor and then broke it again.
Chapter 15 2005-07-12 to 200507-25.  Major problems with the Az motor in the rotor (finding replacement) and work on integrating the audio into the remote client.
Chapter 16 2005-08-24 to 2005-10-05.  This chapter deals with the completion of a major repair on the antenna rotor (damn tooth), the installation of limit switches, the encoder schematic, Optical encoder schematic and the Red release of the Client/Server software
Chapter 17 2005-10-04 to 2005-05.  Work on the LNA and a new schematic;  Frequency list of known beacons; Testing of the new Icom R7000 receivers with help from Ed Cole
Chapter 18 2005-10-11 to 2005-12-31.   A simple distribution amplifier was built to connect both receivers to the antenna; An automatically updated image of the  antenna is captured and supplied to the web site for position monitoring; the R7000 software is developed; The IF down converteris installed in the R7000 receiver
Chapter 19 2006-01-01 to  2006-06-15.  Start of the new year resolution list, bug in the ICOM R 7100 notch filter, New Kerr modules installed,  Antenna power supply redo, search for new antenna rotor and work on the client/server software.
Chapter 20 2006-06-16 to 2006-08-12.  Recalibration of the antenna Lock-To-Lock logic, addition of counter weights,  Work on the status page (stalled), purchase of a spectrum analyzer and O'Scope, Construction of a audio front end device and Client/Server nears completion.